Friday, November 29, 2013

My Yearly Word

Every year I pick a word.  I typically pick the word in September so to avoid the pressure of the New Year Resolution.  My word is not a resolution, it's a guideline.  It's a suggestion that I give myself.  The word guides me in some of the more difficult decisions but has never been a hardcore rule. I love the process of picking a word too! As it can be quite daunting, I'll give you some examples of my past words..

Last year, my word was Spark. Whether that meant to spark the conversation, to open my mind to a different idea or to light the fire under my ass and get to the gym!  It definitely pushed my comfort zone and helped me through some decisions that I typically would have avoided.  Spark probably was the one word by which I noticed the biggest shift in my thought processes and my stand on particular subjects.  It was a truly self defining year.

The year before, my word was Beauty. Oddly, one of my favourites. I focussed on photography which led to a little game, a friend and I still play to this day.  Everytime we see each other, we pick a theme, for example - red.  As we went through our hectic lives, we would send each other pictures of red things we would see like a red hat in a sea of black overcoats or a shot of a red tree.   Three really neat things happened with this project.  One - I started to notice my surroundings more as I began to live more outward, searching for the next best shot. Secondly - as life took over, I forget about the project until I received a picture text from my friend and instantly, I am back to living outward.  Another cool result of the word, is that we now know it has been too long between visits if the theme is getting old.  The visits result in time spent not griping about family and work, but focussed on a new theme.  It was a great year!!

My 2014 word is Health.  I think its a good one and I'm excited!  It can cover off so many important things- my family, community, my personal health, work health, the list goes on.  To me it means not necessarily growing in the sense of expansion but perhaps looking inward to improve what is already there.  A family membership at the YMCA?  Ski lessons? A cooking class? The possibilities are endless.  

How apropos to have this posted on Black Friday! Instead of looking for the next deal, maybe it's about taking the dog for a hike, sewing a button back on a winter coat or even going to the spa! 


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