The Tutu Story Here
A brief summary of the story:
This brave woman makes tutu's for runners in support of a youth development program - Girls on the Run in San Diego. All proceeds are donated. She also has Brain Cancer and was in the middle of treatment when this picture was taken. Self magazine called and asked her if they could use the picture, she agreed, they printed it and next to the picture, they made fun of people running in Tutu's.
Really!?!? ok - mistakes happen, I get it. Somebody really messed up. However, the opportunity to correct is there. Loads of ideas come to mind about how to rally around this. What could Self Magazine do to fix this?
In the hours following Self Magazine said sorry...they made a public statement and the editor tweeted out how mortified she was. What didn't they do? Monika sent them an email explaining her situation and as of taping of that video - she hadn't heard back..."
This could be one of the biggest marketing blunders for the magazine.
Why not commit corporately to a race, employees raise money for Cancer Research & each employee wears the Tutu in the race and then make her the next cover!!
The Social impact has been incredible... Her facebook page - Glam Runner - has approx. 10,000 comments regarding this incident. Many comments of which are women banning the magazine from their house.
I would love to hear everyone thoughts..
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